Training Costs

Crime Scene Cleanup Training Costs

Due in part to the economy, we've elected at this time to offer only our online certified crime scene cleanup training course. Unfortunately, the cost of hosting a five day in-person training course has increased considerably over the past year. Additionally, students were finding it difficult to afford the increased cost, while taking five days off work for the training course. Our online biohazard remediation course offers the same content, training & certifications as our hands-on training course and costs about 75% less! Based on feedback, nearly every student has felt that our online biohazard remediation certification training course was structured in such a way that actual hands-on training was not needed. Please click the link below to learn more about our online training program, which includes our complete video based crime scene cleanup training program, a complete business module, required OSHA training, hoarding & clutter cleanup training, business forms, and more!!

On Sale – Most Courses are Nearly 70% Off